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We are very pleased to offer a range of  after school clubs from Monday to Thursday, after school each week, FREE of charge. These clubs are run by school staff or by Wolves Foundation Sports Coaches. We offer after school clubs for children in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. They can attend clubs throughout the year on designated days for their class. The activities in each club will change termly throughout the year. The form for you to sign up your child is posted on class dojo.



Clubs operate Monday to Thursday. They start when school ends at 3:15pm and they finish at 4pm. We politely ask that children are collected promptly at 4:15pm from the main school entrance. Only children in Years 5 and 6 can walk home if permission from a parent or guardian is given.



If we need to cancel an after-school club at short notice, we will make an announcement on Class Dojo and if the message is not received, we will call you on the number you have provided us.



The office staff will oversee the selection for each after-school club and will inform the children if they have been successful in gaining a place in their club via Class Dojo. Reserve waiting lists will be made if there is a high demand for places in a particular club and your child will be informed if a space becomes available.



If a child is successful in joining an after-school club, they are expected to show loyalty by remaining in the club for the rest of the half term. If for any reason they are unable to attend their club, they must inform the staff member running the club or the school office by messaging on Class Dojo.


High Expectations

Our 3 rules at school are Work Hard, Follow Instructions and Have a Good Attitude. Our number 1 core value is RESPECT and these must be shown in all after school clubs.


This term’s clubs:

Wolves Foundation coaches: Gymnastics (Years 3/4/5/6), Fundamentals (Years 1/2), Football

Miss Archer: Sewing

Mrs Garbett: Keyboard

Miss Bailey: Art

Mrs Jones: Wildwood

Miss Doubleday: Year 6 Maths booster

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