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Our curriculum design ensures all our children are at the centre of a broad, varied and interesting learning experience that is enjoyable and relevant for the future. Our creative, multisensory curriculum will create a sense of awe and wonder and help to inspire a lifelong love of learning. The holistic nature of our practice will promote positive mental health and well-being and will enhance our children’s life skills, social skills and cultural awareness.


The Learning Challenge Curriculum promotes a questioning theme with a wow start (launch) and outcome (landing) to every topic. The launch is aimed at stimulating and hooking the children into the topic and the landing is a final event to bring all the threads and learning together. For example, it might be an assembly or performance where parents are invited in. Between these two events there is flexibility to involve the children and staff in a learning design; focused around a skills-based approach. The linking together of subjects remains a key intention for Bushbury Hill Primary School. We believe that the division into subject areas can seem to limit learning and we are keen to dissolve artificial barriers and find ways of bringing concepts and content from different disciplines together, to enable contextualised learning.


If you would like to know more about our curriculum please contact us.


"School staff regularly include visits and trips as part of each term’s work. This helps to broaden pupils’ general knowledge and stimulates their interest in learning and the world beyond Bushbury Hill." October 2018

Ofsted 2018

Key Documents and Information
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Curriculum Information
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Our Curriculum

Bushbury Hill Primary Logo
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